Anyway as I was saying, I'm still doing laundry and washing brushes daily. A little of paranoia and OCD over the bug issue...ICK! Haven't run in a while due to the cooties, so I have some seriouscatching up to do...well guess I'll blog phone is being uncooperative.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sans itchy, scratchy and shower cups...
That is correct no more head "cooties"...knock on wood, in the house. Although full fledge paranoia has set in and I am still washing brushes an d bedding daily
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Run and the itchies
Friday, June 18, 2010
Been MIA...
Well this was a brief entry...but now I have to go get my son from his last day of Boy Scout camp
Here's my baby girl at about eight months old and now....
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Blogging From My Cell Phone...
Wow, only in th 21st century do we share our "journal" enteries over the internet via our cell phones. Oh well, onwards and upwards! So, have I mentioned that it is freakin hotter then blue blazes...O...M...G it is HOT! We have hit triple digits the past two days, and oh by the way this is before we add the heat index. Am I mistaken, please correct me if I am is only mid June, not even "officially" summer yet! I think even the devil himself would melt in this weather. Training for a marathon in this weather is going to be miserable!! However, this marathon is for a great cause as I have stated once before, it is to raise money for breast cancer research. Just recently a friend and fellow Navy wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, she is a young mom of two beautiful little girls. My friends who are running this race with me and I have decided to run this race in her name. Gillian this 26.2 is for you go through your fight with this, we will be going through our training and thinking of you each step of the way.
God Bless are in my daily thoughts and prayers!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Marathon Training Day One....complete
The goal for the rest day is to relax, maybe get a little color...just have to decide if it's going to be study (reading) or enjoyment reading....mmm! Looking forward to my sushi "date" tonight with my sushi buddy...
Well, I guess I should get what I need to get done done so that I can take my wild and crazy girls out to play before they drive me totally insane with their over abundance of energy. The have literally turned my hallway into a track and are running back and forth laughing and squealing. I think my head may explode from all of the energy in the know me and chaos
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sunday, Sunday...
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Achey Saturday...
The children are all doing their Saturday morning chores and I must add the sweet sound of bickering children on a Saturday morning is music to my motherly ears....NOT! Can I change my name today, it would have to be something they would never guess,...or maybe I can just put some ear plugs in today. As soon as they are done, I will send them outside so I can do my chores, some of which entail correctly doing some of their chores...again that would be the OCD of mine. They actually do a very good job, especially since they are kids, but mommy has somethings that she likes done a certain way. The little two; Angel and Isabella are hysterical because they have days where they LOVE doing chores and I am constantly having to be creative to give them "chores" they can do for me. In fact right now they each have a Lysol wipe and are standing in the tub cleaning the tile tub walls. I wonder how long this ambition to help mommy do chores will last? After all the morning chores are done I am going to be baking. I have to make a Kahlua cake for Nina's dance covered dish dinner tonight and then I'm going to get Nina's birthday cake made for next week and freeze it (this makes it easier to frost next week. Then on to make baked ziti for the dinner tonight as well. After all that is done it is family time, as much as my babies drive me bonkers I
I hope you all get out there and enjoy your Saturday, enjoy your family and your close friends today!