Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mom Rocks!!

Woohoo, it's not often that I hear one of my children utter that phrase, however, tonight at dinner time I rocked it!Cool   I was being lazy really and didn't feel like cooking (look it's like 100* here, OK so only 90*, really what's ten degrees?), so I took some of our mini whole wheat bagels and made little cheese bagel pizzas.  I then took blueberries and gave the bagel's eyes, a nose with a strawberry and a mouth with more blueberries.  They thought that was the coolest...sometimes they can be so easy to please.   Smile   I so wish the whole day was as pleasant as dinner and now it's almost bed time...aaahhh then there will be silence (hopefully).

So, you must be wondering what would ever possess a mother of four to decide to blog (you know since I have soo much free time on my hands, NOT!)  Well, I am reading this book about training for a marathon (yes, you read that correctly, and that is a whole separate blog, LOL).  This women talks about her training and she is hysterical, she says that you should journal (or blog) your training...well why just journal my training, (which I'm quite sure will be comical), why not journal may day to day chaos called life.  You  know we always have those moments in life that we would love to share with others either because they are funny, a learning experience or for whatever other reason.  So here's my chance...kind of an open diary if you will.  Hey, and you know it's a great way to avoid those pesky household chores that are screaming at me, you know like the mountain of laundry that needs to be done! Thumbs Up 

Well, on that note I am going to leave you for the day, don't worry I'll be back tomorrow (there's always laundry that needs avoiding around here), but right now I must go get my @$$ kicked by Jillian Michaels on the WiiBow Down

Have an outstanding evening....and God Bless! Angelic

1 comment:

  1. Hey whatever works for dinner and it is a bonus if the kids really like yes you do rock..because it takes a special person to be a mother of 4,,at least that is what everyone told me when my 4 were go and put your feet up and have a cold drink,,you deserved it..till next time,,huggs..
