Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wow! Been a bit too long!!

I cannot believe it has been this long since my last posting...I really need to keep on top things. Well, let's see a lot has happened since my last blog entry many moons ago, LOL, I'll keep this short (maybe) and try not to boar you with all of the details. I did run the Disney Princess Run a few weeks ago with my favorite peep Christine, we left for Disney on Saturday morning, ran the race on Sunday morning (bright and early)and got home Monday afternoon. We had a BLAST on our little girl's weekend getaway, so much fun...basically just being silly and hanging out. I am so blessed to have a friend like her in my life, she is just one of those people that is always there regardless of what it is. We did not improve our overall finish time over last years, I think we were like three minutes slower, but we ran more this year than last year and we stopped more for pictures this year. As much as we both would have loved to improve our time in this race we decided from the get go this is just one of those races that you run to have a good time (at least for us). As always running through the parks is soo much fun and having our pictures taken with the characters was great...yes we are big kids at heart, nothing wrong with that. Just means with a young heart, we will live longer and happier lives. Wore our tiaras around a bit too, which is great fun because only in Disney can you get away with that AND have people calling you a Princess, LOVE IT!!! Wearing our medals around that evening after the races was great too, because again soo many people there to support and congratulate you, not just the cast and crew of Disney but other runner's and people vacationing. Cannot wait to do the Disney Princess run next, just have to work out the logistics for the kids. I would also LOVE to do the Wine & Dine Half Marathon in the fall with Christine, we will see. I will just have to pray about these runs and see if God can help me find the answers for the children for these runs. Just maybe I can get my 12 year old to train with me and do the Princess run with me, she keeps saying she wants to do a half with me and Lord knows that is the race to do!

Other than my amazing Disney weekend things have been crazy hectic around here, getting the house ready to put on the market this summer and getting the hubby ready for his time in the desert (or rather getting the kids and myself ready for daddy's time in the desert). We have worked out a budget that will hopefully get us out of the mess we are in financially, and I have been doing a lot of praying about it. Although I thought my husband was going to stroke out when I told him I was tithing 10% our income tax return to the church this year. He tried all the bargaining with me that I tried with God when I was praying about this decision, but I know that this is what God wanted me to do. As I told my husband there have been so many times in our marriage that we have said, "wow, God is really looking out for us" or "God has a plan for us and we just need to trust in him that everything will workout for the best in the end". I do realize that the money was earmarked for some part of our debt to get us out of the whole and to help with selling our house in this ever so crappy market, but I believe that bigger and better things are in store for us and that we need to make sacrifices in order for these things to do happen. He is so stressed about everything and just has not yet gotten that he just needs to leave all our worries and stresses with God and pray about it , he will not let us down.

Also, in these past few weeks I have finished my eighth week journey through M.O.M.S and all that we have left is our celebration luncheon, which just so happens to be on the day my hubby leaves. I cannot think of a better group of ladies to spend the afternoon with to ease my mind. This whole experience has been so amazing for me and really has opened me up to my more spiritual side, which I LOVE! I was looking for a way to connect and get closer to God and this was it. I have been saying for years that I want to go through M.O.M.S and God put it out there for me because he knew that this is exactly what I needed at this time in my life. I no longer have the fears that I had with going into another long desert tour. I know that God will get me through if I just continue to keep the faith and pray to him. I am not worried at the possibility of the same nonsense drama that I dealt with the last time he was gone. God has shown me the direction to go to get through it all and the kids and I will do great. I am actually looking forward to sometime to bond with kids again and be a better person than I was the last time. I feel like I am more level headed now, a little less Cybil in the house will be great (and I'm sure my munchkins will appreciate this as well, LOL). I think I was do for a new take on life, a soul-lift if you will and I believe that is what this journey has been for me. I am looking forward to continue to get closer to God and grow to be a better Christian woman and role-model for my children. I am excited to say that I am going to see what gifts God has given me and see how I can help in the church's Outreach Ministry. I think it sounds perfect for me, I LOVE to help people and I cannot think of a better way to start to get outside of my box and my circle of friends. Life has so much to offer if we just can look outside ourselves and step outside of our comfort zones. I am looking forward to exploring the friendships I have made with the women in my M.O.M.S group, they were all so wonderful and such great ladies to spend my Monday nights with. I have started listening to devotionals on my phone every morning, and so far I really enjoy Joyce Meyers' daily podcast. It is amazing how much of a difference in my life meeting with a small group of Christian women one day a week for a few hours has made in my life.

I know there is more I wanted to write, however it is almost 1:00am and my brain is fighting with me to call it a night.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised -Proverbs 31:30

1 comment:

  1. Tithing is really the way to go. (Good job putting your foot down!) We do to & sometimes it is hard to be a cheerful giver especially when life takes hold, but it really is obedience to God & he does recognize us for it. I cannot even tell you how many times we have tithed & in some crazy way received a HUGE blessing soon after. Happens all the time!
